Day 8- necks, backs and needles oh my!

Today was my last day shadowing a physical therapist at Dunn Physical Therapy. Today i got to see a very wide variety of patients. I saw a patient that had a hurt neck and needed dry needling on his neck. Another patient I saw today had a hurt back and got dry needling done to relieve the stress on the muscles.


Today I also learned how to make a hot pack. A hot pack is a thick pad that has been in hot water in order to heat it up. It is then covered in a blanket like thing. It is then covered in a towel and then another blanket. They use this for loosening muscles and for receiving the pain after an appointment.

Thank you so much Dunn Physical Therapy for everything you did for me! It was a fun and educational two weeks!

Day 7- necks, necks and knee

Today I saw lots and lots of neck injuries. So, today I got to watch a lot of working on the notes in the neck in order to relive the pain. However, I did see one knee injury today. She had surgery on her knee and she already had full extension in her knee. Today the physical therapist was working on the bending of the knee. Instead of the regular extension exercises that the patient was normally doing she was instead doing exercises that worked on the flexibility in her knee when she would bend it. (Sorry there is no picture today because there was nothing I could get a picture of that didn’t have a patient in.)

Day 6- Straightening up

Today I got to shadow several physical therapists. I got to see several repeat patients today. One patient I saw was one that I had seen last week. She had surgery on her knee and was still trying to get full range of motion back. Once she had done her exercises and the physical therapist had stretched out the parents knee she was able to extend it fully. Once she had it fully extended she then put the sour muscles in heat in order to loosen the muscles.


The picture that I have here is of the brace that they used when she had heat on her muscles. This allowed her to keep her leg straight and it helped her straighten her leg more on her own.

Day 5- Ankle day

Today I was back with my normal PT. We saw a lot of patients today since there is going to be a long weekend and they arnt open on Monday. A few patients that I saw today have had ankle surgery. They were coming for physical therapy in order to strengthen the muscles in there ankles. They worked on a lot of different exercises for the ankle such as balancing on it and also using the stretching bands to stretch there ankles and help to get there full range of motion back.

Day 5 – Painful Farewell

Today I started my day early. Today was a busy day because they’re closed on Monday (for Memorial Day). I got to see a lot of different patients. I recognized a lot of patients from earlier this week. It was nice to see them again and see their progress.  One lady just had ACL surgery yesterday! I was suprised she was already at her first PT session today.

A bunch of paid athletes came in today for PT. They’re so fast and they have done multiple half iron mans! After hearing about all of their hard training, I was not surprised that they had so much pain. For example, one woman had a tight hip and hamstring, and will have to get an MRI next week to check up on it.

There was more dry needling today. The dry needling was used on the calves, hips and shoulders today.


I continued to wipe off tables after each patient left. I sprayed the table with disinfectanct and then changed the pillowcase. Once the table and pillowcase are clean, I turn the pillow parallel to the table (like in the picture above).

A patient from earlier in the week was here again today. He used the total gym to do leg presses to strengthen his knee.


The Total Gym was used on a patient that had ACL surgery. The Total Gym is a great way to strengthen the knees and quads.

One patient has been going to physical therapy for a while now, so he is able to run again. He had shin splints, but after weeks of physical therapy, he was able to run a few minutes on the treadmill.


Treadmill that patients can start running on.

It was tough to say goodbye today. Since I am going to the West Point leadership camp tomorrow, today was my final day at Raleigh Orthopedics. I learned so many exercises and I am so glad I had this experience. This week helped me decide with what I want to do in the future. Also, this week has made me so thankful that I haven’t been injured (knock on wood!) and I am able to live my daily life pain-free. If I do come across an injury down the road, I know that Mr. Meszler is an incredible PT and he will get me back on the road quickly.


Day 4- Child at Play

Today was a much different day then I was used to. Instead of shadowing my regular PT I got to shadow a PT from there pediatrics section. I was able to see the differences in doing pediatrics vs what I had been doing all week. The first patient that I saw today was about 4. He was having trouble with his posture and also staying on track and paying attention. This patient also had a low tone. Low tone means that his muscles are less firm and his joint appear looser. In order to get him to do a lot of the exercises that the PT needed him to do in order to strengthen his muscles she made them into more of games. Unlike when I was shadowing a PT who worked mainly on adults. She was able to work on his sitting posture by giving him bubbles to blow as she corrected his posture. Another thing we did with him was instead of walking to get water we wheelbarrowed to get water. This helped him strengthen his core, which is important in his posture.

Another patient I got to see today was a 10 month old baby. This baby had been favoring his left side and since at that age there bones aren’t as strong his head was starting to become flat on that side. What the PT was doing today was helping the baby roll over to the right side instead of the left. This was very cool to see because I didn’t know about baby’s being able to get a flat side to their head by favoring it.

I thought today was so interesting because it was so new for me and I got to see a different side to physical therapy then I had seen so far.






Day 4 – Road to Recovery

Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with a bad migraine. I was sad that I wasn’t well enough to go to Raleigh Orthopedics for my internship today. After I rested up all day, I started to feel better, and began researching this evening. I researched more information about Raleigh Orthopedics. Since I am very intrigued with dry needling, I learned more information about it (click to read article/watch videos). I learned that the needle used is a thin filiform needle. The needle penetrates the trigger points a muscular tissue. I watched a few videos on how to dry needle, but I still don’t have the experience to try it on a patient :). In addition, I watched patient stories to see how much it helps them. I suggest that you check out the link above to see all of the interesting videos and articles about dry needling.

I also researched which colleges/universities in NC have physical therapy programs. Some of the schools that NC that have PT programs are Duke, UNC, Elon, Western Carolina and ECU. I was surprised that UNC has a 100% 1st try license exam pass rate, and Duke only has 93%. I thought UNC and Duke would have more similar rates, or Duke would have a higher rate.

I am getting excited to intern tomorrow! I wish I could’ve interned today!!

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Definitely not as exciting as being at Raleigh Orthopdics…but here is a picture of me researching.


Day 3 @ Dunn PT

Today I got to see a lot more dry needling therapy today. There were a lot of patients that had sour muscles and the needles help to access the muscles and dry needles are the best way to release a lot of the tension in the muscles. A lot of the patients complain about how painful they were, but after the needles would come out the patients loved the results.

Another patient who was having neck pain needed to use a machine. The machine is a retracting machine. The purpose of the machine is to stretch out the vertebrae in the neck in order to release the pressure on the nerves which release pain to different parts of the body. The patient lays on the table and there neck goes in between the two sides


(sorry this is not of the machine put together. I couldn’t get a picture of it put together because we can’t have pictures of the patients). The PT then adjusts the sides to fit to the patient’s neck. The machine then slightly lifts the neck to relieve the pressure off of the nerves which helps relieve the patient’s pain. 

Day 3 – Needling it out

Day 3 at Raleigh Orthpedics was slightly shorter today since they don’t have as many patients on Wednesdays. Today I continued to shadow Mr. Meszler. There were a lot of ACL injuries again today. With all of the injuries and hearing how the patients wish they were able to run, it made me so thankful to be able to run injury-free (knock on wood!). One lady came in, and she is still recovering from ACL surgery that she had a year ago! She is still only able to run 1 mile every couple of days.

The most exciting thing I did today was entering patient mobility into the computer for two of his patients. Mr. Meszler has a really cool machine that tests the patient’s strength. Every time the patient come for a PT session, he tests their strength to access their progress. The machine is very accurate and a great way to find specific weak points to work on.

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Patient mobility data chart that I got to fill in for two patients. I left out the patient name for confidentiality.

There was more dry needling today. The patient was wincing and holding herself back from screaming from the dry needling. However, she reminded herself of how much better she feels from the dry needling which helped her get through the procedure.

This morning a young girl (around 12 years old) came in with knee pain. It was great to see a young patient today since I have only seen older people while I’ve been here. I learned about how her flat foot contributes to her knee pain. The PT suggested that she get Superfeet to support her feet and decrease her knee pain.


Picture of the Superfeet insoles.

I got to see a patient that has children at CA! I will keep the name anonymous to keep patient privacy. The patient had a very interesting case. He got knee replacements in both knees a year ago. After he started doing physical therapy, only one knee began to heal. Eventually, he found out that the plate inside of the knee was inserted incorrectly, so he had to get surgery again 2 weeks ago. To make matters even worse, once he got his 2nd surgery, his knee gushed blood a few hours post surgery. He had to stay in the hospital bed for 8 days! He was so upset that he wasn’t allowed to get out of bed. Considering all he has been through, his knee looked good today.


Day 2 @ Dunn PT

Today I got to learn more different techniques and stretches that they use on a regular basis. One thing I got to see today was dry needle therapy. This is when they take little needles and use them to reach different tight areas in patients body’s. I saw it used today on a patient who had a hurt jaw. He was able to use the dry needles to focus on more exact areas of the jaw that were



I also just wanted to say that I would take more pictures, but we arnt allowed to take pictures of the patients so it narrows down the things I can take pictures of. — Mackenzie