Special Guest (Day 8)

On the last day at Carolina Ear and Hearing Clinic I was able to continue following audiologists in their appointments. I was able to see hearing test being administered and learn how the audioligsts clean out and replace parts in the hearing aids. As we were getting ready to see another patient Ms. Allen surprised us. Finally, Dr. McElveen lectured on acoustic neuromas. Since I stayed at the office a little longer I was able to see how the audiologists make ear molds and even practice myself. I had never really considered audiology before this so I’m glad I was able to get the exposure.


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Surgery Practice (Day 7)

The day started off with more appointments. I saw a patient with a cochlear implant. After the patient left an audiologist explained cochlear implants to us and how they work with patient models and pamphlets. Then, Dr. McElveen took us to a lab and we were able to work on temporal bones. It took a lot of practice to get used to using the microscope as my eyes while using various surgical instruments!

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Tympa…what? (Day 6)

Tympanoplasty is the name of the surgical procedure I was able to observe in the operating room today. Tympanoplasty is a surgery in which the eardrum is reconstructed. It was so fascinating to be in the operating room and see the procedure on a TV monitor. Most of the time it was pretty quiet in the OR because Dr. McElveen and the nurses needed to focus. However, Dr. McElveen did explain what he was doing when he thought it was important for us to know. We talked to the nurse anesthetist and hopefully we’ll be able to shadow her and continue to observe surgeries.


Saying Goodbye (Last Day @AMM)

Today was my last day at Alliance Medical Ministry. Like yesterday, Dr. Lewis started seeing patients at 8:30 am. Today was a very busy day with some unexpected challenges .I can’t say anymore about the challenges because of doctor-patient confidentiality. However, I can mention that some of the things we discussed included glaucoma, celiac disease, anemia, hernias, and bariatric surgery. Dr. Lewis  was extremely willing to answer my questions about these topics. At around 12 pm Dr. Lewis was still seeing patients back to back but she allowed me to go on my lunch break anyway. By the time I finished lunch Dr. Lewis had already finished up with her last patient of the day. So for the remainder of my time at Alliance I stayed with Dr. Lewis as she made phone calls and  took notes on her patients. We even had a chance to chat a bit before I left the practice. Overall, I have had a fantastic time at AMM. Dr. Lewis was the perfect doctor to shadow as she truly cares about her patients and goes above and beyond to give them the best care possible. Both her patients and the nurses I’ve spoken to speak very highly of her. Not only has she been a great teacher, but she’s also encouraged me and given me advice. I’m confident that I will keep in touch with Dr. Lewis well after this work experience program. AMM pic 3

Pictured above are my parting gifts from Dr. Lewis ❤ 


I’m Back & I’m Better (Day 3 @AMM)

Today has been the busiest day yet. Dr. Lewis started seeing patients at 8:30 am and I followed her as she went about her day. Dr. Lewis encourages me to ask questions (I’ve had many!) and does not hesitate to answer them. Today our discussions included tuberculosis, the difference between a CT scan and a MRI, interferons, hepatitis, and much more. Then, I had about an hour for a lunch break. Before I had lunch, I stopped by Ms. Daniel’s office to see if she needed anything. There were some patient packets that needed to be made so I worked on putting the packets together after I ate. When the lunch break ended, I met up with Dr. Lewis and continued shadowing her until 3:30 pm. Today was a longer day than the first two, but it was no less interesting, enjoyable, or educational.


Perks of Interning (Day 2 @ AMM)

Today I had a later start because Dr. Lewis didn’t start seeing patients until 9:30 am (Yay! More sleep). Like yesterday, I shadowed Dr. Lewis and asked questions throughout the day. Some of the topics that came up in our conversations today were vericose veins, Parkinson’s disease, bicornuate uterus, A1C test (a blood test that gives info on blood sugar – can be used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes). Dr. Lewis’ last patient left around 12: 30 pm so after I had lunch I met with Ms. Daniel. I spent the rest of the day helping Ms. Daniel with data entry to remind patients (by email) of when the wellness programs take place. Overall, today was an eventful day. I’m glad that I learned so much!


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Introduction to Alliance Medical Ministry

Today I met with Dr. Lewis at Alliance Medical Ministry. I had the opportunity to shadow her and meet her patients. I also met the volunteer coordinator, Ms. Daniel, who gave me a tour of Alliance and talked to me about the facility. This clinic is a nonprofit clinic that is funded by donations. These donations allow working uninsured adults in Wake County to get healthcare. AMM focuses on treating “the whole person” (a phrase used multiple times today). In addition to primary care, the clinic provides counseling and wellness programs (yoga, cooking classes, etc.). Everyone I met at AMM was very kind and welcoming. I can’t wait to go back tomorrow!

