Day 8: Final Step

Today was the day. We woke up ready to seize it. Ready to finally embrace our destiny. We slowly tied our boots and prepared for what was coming. We didn’t know what it would be but we knew it would be good; we knew we would be ready. We ate a breakfast of champions: pancakes and a banana. Now that I was fueled, I waited for Kirans arrival.


Robert, who was with us yesterday, picked us up for our full day at his office. Upon arrival, Robert gave us pedometers, and our mission was to test how accurate they are. We conducted numerous experiments to test the accuracy, some of which were walking on a treadmill for 5 minutes while someone counted and testing to see how many steps the person and Fitbit recorded. We concluded that the Fitbit was fairly close, it missed the amount of steps by around 100 or 150 which was close in our opinion for a 50 dollar fit bit.

All in all it was a wonderful experience and I couldn’t be luckier to have been chosen.

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