Day 4: It’s not the End

It’s the last day and we’re sad to be leaving, we had an incredible time here and we’re so grateful that all the doctors let us shadow them all day and follow them around.

Today I spent the day following around Nicole, and Kiran was with me this time. We had spent most of the time separated and doing separate checkups but this time we did all the checkups together. All the doctors knew that it was our last day and they wanted to celebrate by ordering pizza for lunch, so they told us not to pack a lunch today. I didn’t really get upset until we were all eating lunch together and I realized it was our last day with them and I had really gotten to like the doctors.

We worked more on patients in need of cochlear implants, and helped each patient regain their hearing and we saw how some of them had dealt with it. One woman, actually, hadn’t heard the chirp of a bird until she was 45 years old, which we found absolutely astonishing. She was 51 now and she heard so well and fluently.

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